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Saturday, July 23, 2005

It's been a long time since I posted, eh? well eat me. I didn't feel like it...until now. So lets seee. The best weekend ever happened in wisconsin this year. It was me, p-nuts, fish, steve, kris, and megan. See pics below. It was rockin. Some highlights..."AND DRINKING!" and p-nuts in the ER room for like 3 hours, cracking the nurse's's rule making the ladies drink triple... the 'roadhouse' drinking game...finding a part of fish's game when he couldn't...megan saying 'yeah he did'...good times, good times. Then its back to work, boo. Then friday came, and I got fired. Long story short, covered someone's rear by forging an email(yes i know stupid), got caught, got fired. I don't expect sympathy for this in anyway, cause it was my dumbace who did it. Interesting though...when I told someone about this, they told me that I worry to much about other people and not enough about myself. I suppose it might be true, but I think it goes with my bullet theory. I honestly feel that I would take a bullet for almost anyone. The reason is simple. Chances are, if someone has a bullet coming for them, they didn't chose for that to happen. But, if I dive in front of it, I made a concious choice to be shot. It might be a flawed theory, but it's mine. I don't really expect bullets to be flying all around me, but its a metephorical thing, as you can see above. Oh well, I guess that's one character flaw which isn't so bad to have. So anyway, not much else has been going on in my life. Just enjoying some time off. Don't plan on starting on another job until after we get back from our mexico cruise. Anyway, check out the pics, and check ya next time.


At 2:55 PM, Blogger gefishy said...


and i got to this without making you send it to me... HA!!


At 6:28 AM, Blogger Just Dawn said...

Who needs to blog?

Kivi needs to blog?!

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Just Dawn said...

I'm bored at work!


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