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Saturday, June 11, 2005

If you're way dfrunk and you know're me(clap clap) Ok, so the steves and monika are over, and we're all a little drunk. we played circle of death and pond scum. I ruled the school with that. Anyway Karyn Jin Sook Kivi is the shizzle my nizzle. I love my little sis, cause she takes care of her bro(thats me) So a few things I have to say. 1)OK, I know thing s dont work out, and You're super cool...but wtf man? As I'm looking at it...shit changed almost over night. Oh well. I'm just about used to it by now. Blues fest...w00t. I don't know. Koko taylor(last name?) was the awesomestest. Yeah. I suppose that was number 2. I didn't label it. 3)1:30 4) goober is the sweetest dog im i gonna be sore 2marow


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